Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Balance of Payments Activity

1.       Distinguish:
a.       Import and export:
                                                              i.      An import is a good or service brought in from abroad for sale (money out, good/service in). An export is a product or service sold abroad (money in, good/service out).
b.      Visible and invisible trade:
                                                              i.      Visible trade accounts for imports and exports of physical merchandise. Invisible trade accounts for business transactions that occur with no exchange of tangible goods. That includes customer service, intellectual property and patents.
2.       State whether the following are:
a.       A HK toy sold in UK
                                                              i.      Export
                                                            ii.      Visible
b.      French cheese sold in HK.
                                                              i.      Import
                                                            ii.      Visible
c.       A HK tourist holidaying in Thailand
                                                              i.      Import
                                                            ii.      Invisible
d.      Cathay Pacific buying planes from Airbus
                                                              i.      Import
                                                            ii.      Visible
e.      The HK Police Force buying Russian weapons
                                                              i.      Import
                                                            ii.      Visible
f.        An Australian tourist staying at HK Disneyland
                                                              i.      Export
                                                            ii.      Invisible
3.       In which part of the HK Balance of Payments account would the following transactions be recorded:
a.       A US company buying shares on the HK stock market
                                                              i.      The financial account: direct investment
b.      HK citizen sending wages earned in UK back to HK
                                                              i.      Current account: income
c.       A HK company selling prawns direct to France
                                                              i.      Financial account: direct investment
d.      An Italian firm investing in a chain of restaurants
                                                              i.      Financial account: direct investment
e.      HK company paying dividends to US shareholder
                                                              i.      Current account: income
4.       Which of the above transactions are inflows of money to HK (and are therefore credits on the balance of payments account) and which are outflows (and thus debits)?
a.       Credits: a, b, c
b.      Debits: e
5.       The fictitious figures below refer to HK’s balance of payments for 2007, 08, 09 and 2010 Calculate for each year
a.       Balance on trade in goods
                                                               i.      2007
1.       42345 – 57600 = -15255
                                                             ii.      2008
1.       123000 – 245786 = -122786
                                                            iii.      2009
1.       56363 – 66666 = -10303
                                                           iv.      2010
1.       853970 – 900000 = -46030
b.      Balance on trade in services
                                                               i.      2007
1.       654000 – 124000 = 530000
                                                             ii.      2008
1.       12789 – 9876 = 2913
                                                            iii.      2009
1.       46879 – 38945 = 7934
                                                           iv.      2010
1.       345876 – 200000 = 145876
c.       The balance of trade
                                                               i.      2007
1.       530000 – 15255 = 514745
                                                             ii.      2008
1.       2913 – 122786 = -119873
                                                            iii.      2009
1.       7934 – 10303 = -2369
                                                           iv.      2010
1.       145876 – 46030 = 99846
d.      The current account balance
                                                               i.      2007
1.       514745 – 12500 – 34000 = 468245
                                                             ii.      2008
1.       -119873 + 123765 + 47987 = 51879
                                                            iii.      2009
1.       -2369 + 100000 – 99999 = -92368
                                                           iv.      2010
1.       99846 + 34987 = 134833


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