Monday, November 9, 2015

Internal Assessment-Example Commentary A

Criteria A: 3/3 
Criteria B: 2/2
Criteria C: 2/2 
Criteria D: 2/3 
Criteria E: 3/4
Total score: 12/14

This commentary applies relevant economics terminology, and even defines some terms (aggregate demand, aggregate supply). Diagrams are fully labeled and given full explanations. Concepts/theories are appropriately applied throughout the commentary to pose a solid argument at the end of the commentary. There is appropriate economic analysis throughout the article, because short-term and long-term effects on proposed solutions are given. Assumptions about concepts/theories are not adequately addressed, and therefore it cannot be said that effective and balanced reasoning has occurred within the commentary. The effects on different stakeholders (low-income parties, high-income parties, government) are addressed. Pros and cons of certain solutions are given. I would suggest the writer of this commentary to address the assumptions that come with every economics concept/theory, so score higher on criteria D and E. To do this, however, the writer should perhaps incorporate their understanding of relevant terms as they perform analysis/evaluation in order to decrease the word count. Some great ideas were proposed at the end, that start-ups should receive government aid in terms of receiving better education.